Angie Lansdon Photography LLC

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Come Fly with Me

I met Allison years ago while picking up extra nursing shifts in the Emergency Department, that also happened to be where my husband used to work! Allison and my husband actually work in the Surgery Department now at the hospital, so I have gotten to catch up with her from time to time over lunch! Fast forward to the day she let me in on her little secret that she had found “the one” and was hopeful that an engagement would be coming soon! I was so happy for her and I also got to meet Allison’s now fiancé, Josh, over lunch one day! These two knew they were going to be engaged very soon and in fact were already working on wedding details since they wanted a short engagement. I had retired from doing weddings, but how could I say no to this couple… it was crazy how things worked out and aligned just so perfectly for us to work together! I can’t wait until the big day in January!

Now, onto the mushy romantic part!! Ha! I mean, who doesn’t like a good love story… especially one that the Lord has perfectly orchestrated, in his infinite and perfect timing. Josh was born and raised outside Winston Salem, NC. He is currently a KC-135 Instructor Pilot with the Air Force and he has been in Birmingham for 3 years. Allison was a Navy brat, born in Arlington TX, but grew up in Milton, FL. Allison has lived in Birmingham since 2006 and is currently a Pediatric Surgery Nurse Practitioner. Allison and Josh met just before he ended his time here in Birmingham in the Air Force.  They are both used to moving around!

Allison and Josh met in a small group at Church of the Highlands.  It seemed that there was an immediate attraction between both of them! They were supposed to go to a Christian concert with a mutual friend, well it turns out, the friend ended up canceling but these two decided to go to the concert together anyways. That night was the spark of something much bigger! After the concert they enjoyed a meal cooked by Josh and decided that they definitely wanted to spend more time together! 

Josh was definitely awestruck by her beauty, but more importantly he loves her heart and compassion that she has for those around her. He loves that her smile is infectious and that her warmth allows her to befriend everyone around her. Allison definitely gushes about how good Josh looks in his flight suit…can’t you all just hear the Top Gun soundtrack playing in the background?! She also loves how he truly seeks out the Lord in all aspects of his life.  He is a spiritual leader and he has the biggest heart. On a funnier note, Allison said Josh can be a real diva about his hair and what he wears! Ha, and Josh said that Allison has a problem with online shopping and then returning everything that she buys! Hey … I can totally relate! Shopping is hard on us girls! 

Ok, now the good stuff… the actual engagement! With only one week till Josh was set to move to Oklahoma with the Air Force and beginning a three-month period apart, Josh pulled off a picturesque engagement atop Stone Mountain in North Carolina. The surprise engagement party that came along with the diamond ring was the “icing on the cake.” With the help of friends and both families, Josh managed to sneak Allison’s parents and siblings into North Carolina to celebrate in person along with Josh’s extended family and close friends from home. The day could not have more gone more perfectly!

So, this part of the story gives me the goose bumps in the best way. I love how the Lord perfectly places something in our heart and gives us promises to stand on. That my friends, is what faith is all about. Josh began saving for an engagement ring at the beginning of the 2019 during a season of singleness without knowing that he would meet Allison just over a month later. He felt led by the Holy Spirit to start saving on faith that he would meet his wife by the end of the year.  The couple is so confident that the Lord authored their love story and they cannot wait to enter into biblical covenant as man and wife surrounded by their loved ones! 

After the wedding, Allison will be joining Josh and their golden lab Magnolia in Altus, Oklahoma. Josh will continue his career as a KC-135 instructor pilot. Allison is looking forward to a much-needed break after working 13 years in the nursing profession before deciding on her next steps! 

I am so excited to be a part of this magical day. This engagement session was truly one for the books and something that was so unique and an honor to be a part of. Never did I ever think that I would get a behind the scenes tour of Air Force life, much less get to stand on the wings of a plane! The sunset was breathtaking. You can tell by these pictures how evident their love is for one another. I am so blessed to live out my passion in life and capture these truly magical moments. Looking forward to the rest of your story unfolding Josh and Allison!!