Angie Lansdon Photography LLC

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The Good Stuff

This is the good stuff…. that is the thought that kept coming to mind on my recent beach trip with my family and some of our friends. Have you ever had those moments? The kind of moments where as you are living them, you know that you want to tuck them away in a tiny piece of your heart forever. The moments that you know your heart will yearn for one day. When I look at my soon-to-be 4-year-old babies, I know that the toddler years are so fleeting. I also know that I want to soak up every ounce of the rest of this summer.

The beach has ALWAYS been a place of solitude and reflection for me. The beach does something to my soul, it resets me. If I close my eyes, I can still feel the warmth of the sun on my skin, I can smell the perfect amount of sunscreen mixed with the salty sea air. I can see my girls’ cheeks with the perfect amount of sun-kissed glow on them. I can see pure joy on their faces as they run and chase away the seagulls. I can still hear the waves crashing with echoes of their laughter. I know in my heart, this is the good stuff.

With this season of life, they still need me. They still need help with getting dressed and eating. They still want me to snuggle them and sometimes carry them. I’m taking extra time to hold and study their little hands and remember how soft they are. I am playing with their hair more and noticing the perfect blonde highlights that money can’t buy. I am paying more attention to the little songs they sing and how their baby voices are just on the cusp of changing into that of a little girl. Dear Lord, help me tuck these memories forever into my soul.

I’m getting ready to send my babies to preschool and my Mama heart is trying to hold it together. I just can’t believe how fast nearly 4 years have went. Changes in season can be scary and intimidating, but, they can also be exciting and a time to grow. So whatever season of life you find yourself in, I hope that you too can slow down and take it all in. Just maybe, you are living right in the middle of the good stuff too.

Welcome to my new website! This is the very first blog post…like in the history of FOREVER! I hope to take you on this journey with me. To share all things photography and life. I also hope to share more of your stories when I photograph your family. The story behind the pictures… that’s what makes them uniquely yours and special. Thank you for following along! I’m thankful for you!

Be blessed,
