Angie Lansdon Photography LLC

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Welcome Baby Charlotte - Springville, AL

Please look at these sweet cheeks on baby Charlotte!  She was born on November 7th, 2019, to the proud parents Jimmy and Kimberly Dunn. She weighed 7lb 8 oz and was 20 inches long!  Charlotte was so nice and cozy in Mamas belly, that she finally had to be induced at 41 weeks!

Charlotte is described as a chill baby and has made the transition to a family of 3 easier than expected. I can definitely see where baby Charlotte gets her calm demeanor from... her parents were easy peasy to work with! It can be so scary to hand over your new baby to a complete stranger, but my goal is to always help you feel that I take care of your little ones as if they were my own. Mom and Dad are so thankful to have had such amazing support from their families! Their family has helped Mama with providing times of much needed rest! Yall, having 4 year old twins myself, I know that it definitely takes a village and I know my family wouldn’t function without the love and support from grandparents!

When families come to visit me for newborn sessions, I always love to hear their hopes and dreams for their precious new baby. The theme is usually universal in that most parents pray that they raise a kind and loving child that includes others. I know that Charlotte will be raised to be a light and help make other’s days better!

I have recently shared some of my fertility journey on my recent blog posts. I am an open book with this topic. I have come to realize that there are SO many others that have been on this journey as well. The Dunn family also had fertility struggles for 2 years while trying to conceive baby Charlotte. I say all of this to let others know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Let my story and stories of my precious clients be a reminder that you have others to help you walk through this journey. I cannot wait to watch sweet Charlotte grow and continue to capture beautiful memories for this precious family!