Angie Lansdon Photography LLC

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Milestone Memories

Can I just say how much I love being a part of your family! My photography clients become so much more to me than an acquaintance and more like family. I have done several photo sessions for my friends Stephen and Hannah! I work at the hospital with Stephen and got to meet his beautiful wife Hannah during their first family photo session last year when their little girl was 6 months old. l always look forward to doing their photo sessions and seeing how much the little ones have grown and changed.

I also did big sister’s 1 year pictures last Fall along with her one year milestone/cake smash! During that session they let me in on a BIG secret that they were expecting their second baby! I loved that I got to do a family/maternity session this Spring. What a joy to share in these big life moments! I had the honor of doing little brothers newborn session..he was a DREAM BABY! He slept the entire session.. can I get an AMEN in the back from my fellow newborn photographers! Fast forward to this family session where he is now 3 months old!

This sweet baby boy is a doll! I love when my families make it a point to document the 3 month, 6 month and 12 month milestones. Three month olds don’t sit on their own yet and they don’t always love tummy time, but no worries.. we can prop them up in a bucket or crate, or stuff something under them to prop them up a bit!

Little ones grow and change so much during the first year, so  I know Mama will look back and be so glad that she was able to freeze this moment in time. I love getting the siblings shots during the family sessions. Big sister made me laugh so much when she held her brother and gave him kisses and snuggles! Sometimes she squeezed him and gave him a whole lotta love! Ha! We have some funny outtakes for sure!

Needless to say, I am so blessed that I have been apart of many milestone moments that make up this family! I hope that when you look back on our session together that the memories and photos that we made make you smile!