Angie Lansdon Photography LLC

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Oh Sweet Pea

I have known Heather and Cam for a long time! Heather and I worked together as nurses in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit! That seems like an eternity ago and wow what fun memories we have all made through the years. I was so honored to photograph their little bundle of joy! Sweet Penelope Ruth was born on August 18th and weighed 7lb and 6 oz and was 20.5 inches long.

Heather said that the beginning of her story “has twists, boasts bravery and courage, and is one we wouldn’t change any part of.” Sweet P spent some time in the hospital when she was born to evaluate her heart and now she is home and thriving! Giving birth can sometimes be a rollercoaster of emotions. I too know how scary it can be when you don’t have that picture perfect birth story that you see in the movies. My twins were born premature and spent 30 days in the hospital. It can be very scary and the days seemed like they turn in to years in the hospital. You almost feel like those first bonding experiences are taken from you, but I know Heather and Cam had wonderful friends, family and prayers to help sustain them during this time!

One thing they love about sweet P is when she wakes up and gives her first big stretch of the day! Mom and Dad also love holding and rocking her to sleep. When I asked Heather what was most surprising about being a new mom, it was that in only a few short weeks she has learned exactly what each little cry means! Of course,they love watching her sweet smiles after she gets her tummy full!!

I am so happy for my sweet friends and can’t wait to watch Penelope grow up through the years. You guys are nailing this new parent thing!!