Angie Lansdon Photography LLC

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Peace Be Still

Yall!!! Do you see this baby and how adorable he is?? I mean that hair. Those cheeks. Those sweet little squishy rolls. Meet Solomon Kenneth Kojo Ford. He is the 8 lb 11 oz bundle of cuteness that I got to photograph last week. He was born on January 6th to Emma and Sam Ford. The proud big brother is Samuel also known as Sammy!

From the moment Emma contacted me about newborn photography, I thought, “Wow! She is on top of things, she is a planner, and she gets things done!” I could just tell from the email correspondence I was going to like her.  I meet all sorts of people in this photography business. With some, things simply flow organically. Things just “click”. This is how it felt meeting the Ford family! Emma and Sam are some of the sweetest people. I am so thankful for them choosing me to capture this moment in time.  As they sat in the studio with me during their session, it seriously felt like they were old friends. We talked about life, religion, and our little ones. The conversation was just easy.

My hope is that during your session you feel right at home with me. I want you to feel like I am an old friend that you are catching up with.  It can feel intimidating to hand your most prized possession over to someone that you have never met. I promise to help settle you in while I work some newborn photography magic on your little one! I couldn’t get Solomon in my arms fast enough once I saw him! He was seriously the most snuggly adorable baby! Yall, I really am a professional baby snuggler! Ha!

Emma and Sam began telling the story about how they came up with Solomon’s name. Emma’s mother was praying one day. She just kept praying over this new baby and she called him Solomon! Little did the grandmother know, Emma and Sam had already decided to name him Solomon! They even had planned on telling her that day. Can I just say, thank you Lord for the prayers of grandparents. I know that grandparent prayers certainly helped us! There is nothing like the power of a praying parent and speaking life into our children. I have no doubt that every part of our being is divinely and intricately woven, even our names!

Speaking of names, did you know that Solomon means peace? His middle name Kojo, a nod to Moms Ghanaian heritage, also means peace. The definition of peace means freedom from disturbance; tranquility.  Maybe his name was foretelling?! They already feel that in this newborn period that Solomon has been much calmer than his 3-year-old big brother!  Emma and Sam describe big brother as a ball of energy!  Yall, I feel ya!! As a Mom of twin toddlers, it can be wild at times! Big brother is learning to accept his new normal. I bet it won't take him long to realize that he has a forever playmate and best friend!

Emma’s mother has been in town to help with Solomon. I know that they are so grateful for her. It seriously takes a village! Mom and Dad are navigating their way as a family of 4 with their newest addition. Mom is getting back to work as a content creator. Dad is back working at the law firm. For now, they are enjoying every part of this newborn period and taking in all of these precious moments as a family. Their biggest hope is that baby Solomon will be happy, healthy, kind and love God.  Ford family… I am so thankful to have made new friends who felt like old ones. I can't wait to watch your story unfold! Wishing you all the best and a lot of PEACE!