Clark Family - Trussville, AL

Clark Family - Trussville, AL

I am so thankful that I am back to doing what I love most and photographing your beautiful families. It brings my heart such joy to capture these milestone sessions. Sweet baby brother was turning one and I have so loved watching him and his sister grow up through my lens! Love the Clark family and their most precious babies!

Growing Family

Growing Family

I was so excited when Meghan asked me to document an important milestone in their life.

Let Them Eat Cake!

Let Them Eat Cake!

Y’all know how I love to document those important milestone sessions! The one-year milestone is a huge one, I almost feel like parents deserve a trophy at that point too! HA! It is such a fun time and your little one is developing a big personality by then! Lots of clients love the idea of capturing traditional photos and doing a cake smash. “Wait…what is a cake smash?”

Milestone Sessions: Sitter Session - Springville, AL

Milestone Sessions: Sitter Session - Springville, AL

…your baby is constantly changing and growing. Milestone moments are a cause for celebration….so let’s capture those moments together! Angie Lansdon Photography - Milestone Session - Sitter Session - Springville, AL

Welcome Baby Tidwell Denson - Springville, AL

Welcome Baby Tidwell Denson - Springville, AL

I’m so honored to be able to share in this most special time for the Yates Family!

Welcome Baby Bennett

Welcome Baby Bennett

I can’t wait to watch this sweet family grow! I am so lucky and thankful that I get to be a part of helping you all create these lasting memores!! You guys are seriously rocking this growing family thing!! 

The Good Stuff

The Good Stuff

This is the good stuff…. that is the thought that kept coming to mind on my recent beach trip with my family and some of our friends. Have you ever had those moments? The kind of moments where as you are living them, you know that you want to tuck them away in a tiny piece of your heart forever. The moments that you know your heart will yearn for one day. When I look at my soon-to-be 4-year-old babies, I know that the toddler years are so fleeting. I also know that I want to soak up every ounce of the rest of this summer.