Springville AL Child Photography

Bats and Crowns - Springville, Alabama

Bats and Crowns - Springville, Alabama

When one of the team mom’s came to me with the idea to do a softball princess themed photo session I could not wait to get started! It was so fun to see these girls dolled up in their fancy dresses and crowns, all while sporting their cleats and holding on to their softballs, bats, and gloves.

Timeless Fashion - Springville, AL

Timeless Fashion - Springville, AL

I love that she wants her babies to look timeless and classic. She has a love for heirloom clothes and has more bonnets than I could ever count. I always have to double check with her on play dates because I’m like “Are we doing play clothes? Or fancy play clothes?!!”

Season of Change - Springville, AL

Season of Change - Springville, AL

Time is precious. Pivotal moments deserve to be time stamped. This sweet mama knows that she is entering a season of change as she watches her little girl become a young lady.

Sweet Little Lamb - Springville, AL

Sweet Little Lamb - Springville, AL

For those that know me personally, you will often hear me call people my “little lambs”. It’s a term of endearment that I have used for a long time! Well, yesterday I had a real little lamb in my studio!

Taco Bell and Grace - Springville, AL

Taco Bell and Grace - Springville, AL

This is a story about grace, and it just so happened to come by way of Taco Bell.

Here We Go! - Birmingham, AL

Here We Go! - Birmingham, AL

There is something about new beginnings, a fresh start, a blank page. Well, I for one welcome 2021 with open arms! I also shared recently on my social media pages that I took another huge leap of faith. OH MY GRACIOUS… it’s a big one!

Child Heirloom Sessions

Child Heirloom Sessions

I have been really into Heirloom sessions lately and love the classic and timeless look of these black and white photographs!

Best Job Ever: Newborn Photographer - Springville, AL

Best Job Ever: Newborn Photographer - Springville, AL

Can you really call it a “job” when you love something so much? Seriously, is there anything better than baby snuggles?

What to Wear: Family Photo Session - Birmingham, AL

What to Wear: Family Photo Session - Birmingham, AL

I’m here to tell you how important it is to choose the right clothing for your photo session! What you wear can have a huge impact on how you look and, more importantly, how you feel in your photographs.

Beach Session Tips - 30A Seagrove Beach, FL

Beach Session Tips - 30A Seagrove Beach, FL

Have you ever dreamed of those beautiful beach photos of your children fit for a postcard? You know, the ones where the children are running and frolicking down the beach and behaving like angels! Ha! Well… we have tried that with all of the littles for years now, and finally, at LAST…

McGee Lifestyle - Hoover, AL

McGee Lifestyle - Hoover, AL

You couldn’t tell these parents were first timers and new at everything, they were both so calm and relaxed throughout the session. Their home was beautiful and allowed for a gorgeous backdrop for the session, and can we just talk about their front porch—perfect!!

Clark Family - Trussville, AL

Clark Family - Trussville, AL

I am so thankful that I am back to doing what I love most and photographing your beautiful families. It brings my heart such joy to capture these milestone sessions. Sweet baby brother was turning one and I have so loved watching him and his sister grow up through my lens! Love the Clark family and their most precious babies!

Growing Family

Growing Family

I was so excited when Meghan asked me to document an important milestone in their life.

Let Them Eat Cake!

Let Them Eat Cake!

Y’all know how I love to document those important milestone sessions! The one-year milestone is a huge one, I almost feel like parents deserve a trophy at that point too! HA! It is such a fun time and your little one is developing a big personality by then! Lots of clients love the idea of capturing traditional photos and doing a cake smash. “Wait…what is a cake smash?”

Milestone Sessions: Sitter Session - Springville, AL

Milestone Sessions: Sitter Session - Springville, AL

…your baby is constantly changing and growing. Milestone moments are a cause for celebration….so let’s capture those moments together! Angie Lansdon Photography - Milestone Session - Sitter Session - Springville, AL

Welcome Baby Tidwell Denson - Springville, AL

Welcome Baby Tidwell Denson - Springville, AL

I’m so honored to be able to share in this most special time for the Yates Family!

Welcome Baby Charlotte - Springville, AL

Welcome Baby Charlotte - Springville, AL

I have recently shared some of my fertility journey on my recent blog posts. I am an open book with this topic. I have come to realize that there are SO many others that have been on this journey as well. The Dunn family is no stranger…

What to Expect When Expecting: Newborn Photography Session - Springville, AL

What to Expect When Expecting: Newborn Photography Session - Springville, AL

There has NEVER been a day go by that I regretted having…

Worth the Wait

Worth the Wait

Every birth story is different and unique. Every single one is a miracle.  I am so thankful that Reid shared her newborn journey with me. I can deeply relate to all of it.