Sweet Little Lamb - Springville, AL

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For those that know me personally, you will often hear me call people my “little lambs”. It’s a term of endearment that I have used for a long time! Well, yesterday I had a real little lamb in my studio! Lamb sessions are some of my client’s favorite. I haven’t done them in a couple of years. Let’s just say when I did them last, that lamb was more the size of a cow and bucked around like a bronco! Bless it y’all, I thought I would never do lamb sessions again!! Ha!!

Yesterday could not have went more smoothly. Dolly, that’s what I decided to call our lamb, was perfect! She was 2 weeks old and will work on a sheep dairy farm when she grows up! All of the kids and parents loved her! My husband Adam was the best assistant. That sweet lamb kept following him all around the studio, probably because he was the one giving her a bottle! I have always loved baby farm animals and hope to one day buy some land and have a few animals of my own! You know, the kind that stay babies forever! My sweet friends Kaylee and Bo brought their precious toddlers yesterday and I just had to show you how adorable their session was! Their little outfits were just perfect, and they loved Dolly! I am so thankful for all of my sweet clients and how you support my dream! Stay tuned this week as I will post sneak peeks!!

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